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Exporting Your Subsplash Giving Data to Church Office Online
Exporting Your Subsplash Giving Data to Church Office Online

How to export your Subsplash Giving data to Church Office Online

Cody Walton avatar
Written by Cody Walton
Updated over a week ago

Exporting your Subsplash Giving data into Church Office Online is quick and easy! This article will walk you through the process step by step.

Step 1: Export your Simple Sync CSV

Login to the Subsplash Giving Dashboard. In the side menu click Transfers. Select the transfer you want to export.

Once you've selected the Transfer, click Export.

Tip! You can also export from the Transactions tab. However, we recommend exporting from the Transfers tab because these gifts have already been successfully processed and deposited into your account.

Step 2: Prepare your Simple Sync CSV for Church Office Online

Once you've downloaded your Simple Sync CSV, delete any rows with Balance Adjustment in the status column. The balance adjustment represents your GrowCurve rebates. While this information is important for accounting, it can't be imported into Church Office Online because it isn't associated with a user.

Additionally, you will need to edit any columns with dates so they are in the MM/DD/YYYY format (the default is MM/DD/YY). Once you have these changes made, save your file and you're ready for the import step!

Step 3: Prepare to Import

Next, login to your Church Office Online account.

  1. Select Utilities in the top navigation.

  2. Select Import Giving.

From the Import Giving screen, select Choose File and upload your CSV file. Next, fill out the blanks to match the column names we use in the CSV. See the screenshot below for what should be used.

Step 4: Audit Users and Funds

If you have any donors who gave through Subsplash Giving but don't have a Church Office Online account yet, or if you have any funds with a slightly different name than what is in your Church Office Online system, you'll see a screen (as below) asking you to reconcile fund and donor names. If your donor is new, you will need to create a new Church Office Online account for them.

Step 5: Import

Once all your donors are added to Church Office Online, you'll see a message at the top of your screen like the one below.

You're done! To view the donations later, go to the Reports menu and choose Giving.

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